January 28 Build: Fur Patterns, Paw fixes, and Custom-Color Furries!

Hello again everyone.

A huge apology for the very long time without updates. That's entirely on me. I wasted too much time working on stuff that at the end was just unusable. I was working on the city map, and attempted to develop a custom building generator for my buildings to replace the current ones, but after working on them for months, the buildings I modeled just looked really bad :( So the models, along with the new system, had to be scrapped.

That was a lot of wasted time. Tho I hope I can still use the crappy buildings I made for something in the future... but after that, I finally decided to work on something that I had been procrastinating on for a long time: the Fur Pattern System :v!

One of the most interesting parts of the design of furries is the patterns over their heads and bodies, so I knew from the start I had to implement something like that in Theanthria. The reason why I kept avoiding working on it is because of how complicated it turned out to be back then. But after weeks of testing, I decided on a setup that turned out very nice :D

First, I had to make my own custom shader. Is a toon shader that allows for overlaying textures, with a little rim light so the characters pop up more. It looks quite similar to the shader I had before, but since the shadow-edge/tooniness is pre-set, there's no customizing the look of it on the anthro creator screen anymore. Sorry about that; I'm not sure how many of you actually liked that feature, but I'll work on re-integrating it in the future.

There's 2 overlaying textures on top of a simple "base color" which you can customize with a color picker!

The first overlay (on "head" materials), corresponds to the facial marking of the anthro. Facial markings are those cute little fur pattern "masks" some dogs and cats and other animals have. So now you can select your anthro's face type.

The second is the fur/scale pattern of your anthro! Which of course you can also customize using the color picker.

I decided to separate body patterns and head patterns, since I figured people would like the look of clear face with subtle body markings, or having a different looking pattern in the head compared to the body.

I also fixed the UV mapping of the paws so they also aren't solid colors anymore.

Toe beans yay :3

I'll correct some bugs that come with this new system; I've seen a few already, tho nothing game breaking. I was particularly worried about the save system, since I had to re-design a lot of it to allocate for more custom parameters. I'm happy it wasn't too complicated, just long and tedious to implement.

Another thing that I want to do is apply the same color-picking system to the hair and eyes. The human already has a similar system in place, so it shouldn't be that hard...

Another other thing that I forgot a about is an issue with the v-syncing someone here was having. I need to add a toggle to enable/disable it. Again, shouldn't be hard.

Another other (other) thing: I'm just learning how to make cutscenes! I was testing a bunch of ways to implement my characters with the Unity Timeline, and seems I can make it work, tho maybe not with custom characters. Which is fine, since I'm planning to work on fixed, story characters. Implementing my dialogue system mid-cutscene can be a bit wonky, but I think I can make it work. So I'm happy about it :D

Tho this leaves me with the issue of locations. You know I've been struggling with the damn city map the most, so I figured, if I cannot make it look as I wanted, I'll just leave it be and start working on the story regardless. It's been so long and I really want to work on it now...

...But damn, I really wanted to use my ugly buildings -__-


  • Added customizable base skin colors.
  • Added customizable fur patterns
  • Fixed paws/hooves/claws UV mapping
  • Improved anthro creator menu
  • Fixed floating-paws bug


Theanthria Pre-Alpha Uncensored Version (01-28-25).rar 434 MB
34 days ago
Theanthria Pre-Alpha Censored Version (01-28-25).rar 434 MB
34 days ago

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